Inside the event > Grants & Award: AVS Poster Prize

AVS Poster Prizes

The AVS journals Biointerphases and Surface Science Spectra will sponsor poster prizes for three exceptional poster presentations. Winners will be selected by a combination of conference organizers and journal editors.



Congratulations to the 3 winners
of the AVS Poster Prizes

Madeline BERROW - Univ. Nottingham (UK)
Poster #BIO-P2-163 - Insights into in vivo topical antibacterial permeation enabled using ToF-SIMS

Florian FAHRNBERGER - TU Wien (AT)
Poster #FUN-P1-263 - Investigation of sub-nm binary oxidic surface modifications on mixed ionic electronic conductors with ToF-SIMS: oxidic overlayer stability and ionic interdiffusion behavior

Yuzuki KIUCHI - Seikei Univ., Tokyo (JP)
Poster #ML-P2-012 - Quantitative and qualitative analyses of mass spectra of organic electroluminescent (OEL) mixed samples using supervised machine learning





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