The conference > Committees: International Committee Nominations


The list of candidates can be downloaded here: IC candidates

Committee Elections

The International Committee (IC) comprises of 3 elected members from each of the 3 regions where SIMS is heavily practiced, Asia-Pacific, North America and Europe. Elected members serve a period of 6 years. The Chair of the IC is appointed by the IC and serves a period of up to six years. In addition, the conference chairs of the past and current conferences are ex officio members serving 2 years prior and 2 years after their respective conference. Therefore, in the steady state the IC is comprised of 11 members. The current members are listed here. Further details are given in the SIMS Handbook.

What Does the International Committee do?

The IC has a responsibility to:

  • Support and encourage the understanding, development and application of SIMS and related topics.
  • Provide oversight of the biennial International Conferences and ensuring that the Proceedings of these Conferences are available to all scientists in the refereed literature.
  • Ensure that suitable bids are received for hosting the biennial International Conference. The IC evaluates those bids by considering the ability of the proposing team to hold a successful conference, the proposed venue and location, the budgets and other arrangements.
  • Develop foresight and strategic direction, for example opening up new areas and initiatives, to ensure the vitality of future conferences.

How are New Members Elected?

At each international SIMS conference 2-4 of the 9 elected IC members will retire and 2-4 new members are elected. This year we need 2 new members for North America, 1 for Asia-Pacific, and 1 for Europe.

This starts now for North America and Europe using the following procedure:

  • The IC will provide a slate of nominations from North America and Europe including a short biography. In addition, nominations (including a short biography) are gratefully received from those who have been a registered participant at any one of the last three International SIMS conferences.

Nominations should be sent to the IC Secretary, by 1 August 2024.

  • Voting will be by region using a paper ballot at the International SIMS conference. The slate of nominations will be available on the SIMS conference website one month before the conference. A voting slip will be included in the conference bag. Only registered participants at the SIMS conference are eligible to vote. Results will be announced at the Conference General Meeting. Eligible participants may vote for one candidate in the North America region and one candidate in the European region. In the unlikely event of a tied vote, the IC chairman will have an additional casting vote.

If you have questions, please contact Arnaud Delcorte at





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