Zahraa BERRO - LIST, Esch-sur-Alzette (LU)
Oral #BIO7-O2-120 - Structural, molecular and elemental analysis of human Locus coeruleus using correlative FIB-SIMS instruments
David SCHAEFER - Justus Lubig Univ. Giessen (DE)
Poster #COMP-P1-115 - ToF-SIMS study on the SEI formation on hard carbon electrodes in sodium ion batteries
Sivakkumaran SUKUMARAN - Imperial College London (UK)
Oral #HIRES2-O3-128 - In operando simultaneous dual-polarity SIMS characterisation of the solid-electrolyte interface in sodium-ion batteries
Anna TRZASKA - Univ. Nottingham (UK)
Oral #BIO1-O3-114 - Understanding in vivo topical permeation of cosmetics using SIMS